Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Two Indian Americans named White House Fellows

Washington, Two Indian Americans, Padmini Pillai from Boston and Nalini Tata from New York, were appointed to the 2024-2025 class of White House Fellows on Thursday. In all, 15 exceptionally-talented individuals from across the United States have been named to…

Church services

National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY – 09.15 EUCHARIST said in the Lady Chapel. 11.15 CHORAL EUCHARIST sung by the Cathedral Choir – Howells: Collegium Regale, Psalm: 139 vv 1-5, Campbell: And there was…

Three US States Invaded by New Species of Flatworm

A new species of flatworm has been found invading the U.S., having already spread across Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. The species, named Amaga pseudobama, was discovered in North Carolina in 2020, according to a new paper in the journal…
